- Python applications can connect with the different RDBMS /ORDBMS software's like Oracle, MySQL, DB2,SqlLite3,SqlServer,PostgreSQL SQL,....
- in order to communicate with the RDBMS/ORDBMS we use external modules, external modules are developed by third party vendor's.
- we need to install the external modules to communicate with the database by using pip.
- pip is the preferred installer program,which is available in side installation folder of python software,used to install and manage software packages written in Python.
- after install the module,we import that module on your python program.
- in order to communicate with the oracle database we need to install cx_Oracle module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install cx_Oracle
- in order to communicate with the MySQL database we need to install MySQLdb module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install MySQLdb
- in order to communicate with the PostgreSQL database we need to install pygresql module or pgdb module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install pygresql
- in order to communicate with the SQL-Server database we need to install pyodbc module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install pyodbc
- in order to communicate with the sqlite3 database we need to install sqlite3 module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install sqlite3
- in order to communicate with the DB2 database we need to install DB2 module.
C:\Python35\Scripts> pip install DB2
- here i discuss only oracle database.
- In order to connect the oracle database we need to import cx_Oracle module.
import cx_Oracle
- In order to connect with the oracle database we need to call the connect( ) function of cx_Oracle module,by passing database username,password,port-number and service-name.
connection_object= cx_Oracle.connect( 'database user name','database password','IP address of the computer where database installed : port-number/database service name' )
- After getting the connection object in order to execute the SQL queries we have to get the cursor object, by calling cursor ( )method on the connection_object,we can get the cursor_object.
cursor_object=connection_object.cursor( )
- In order to give the query to the cursor object,we call execute( ) method on the cursor_object.
cursor_object.execute( "SQL query" )
- After executing the execute( ) method on the cursor_object,the result will come and store into the cursor_object.
- To get the records from the cursor_object we use for loop.
- After displaying the records,we have to close the cursor_object.
- We can close the cursor_object by calling close( ) method on the cursor_object.
cursor_object.close( )
- After closing the cursor_object we have to close the connection_object,we can close the connection_object by calling close( ) method on the connection_object.
connection_object.close( )
- Before working with queries and cursors, a connection to the database needs to be established. The credentials and data source names can be supplied in one of several ways, with similar results.
import cx_Oracle
db = cx_Oracle.connect('dbusername','dbpwd',
import cx_Oracle
db=cx_Oracle.connect('dbusername/dbpwd@IP add
of the computer where database is installed :portno/databaseservicename')
import cx_Oracle
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dept')
for row in cursor:
print row
example2: fetch one record
import cx_Oracle
db=cx_Oracle.connect('scott', 'tiger','localhost:1521/orcl')
cursor = db.cursor( )
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dept')
row=cursor.fetchone( )
print row
row=cursor.fetchone( )
print row
cursor.close( )
db.close( )
example3: fetch many records
import cx_Oracle
db=cx_Oracle.connect('scott', 'tiger','localhost:1521/orcl')
cursor = db.cursor( )
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM emp order by sal desc')
print row
cursor.close( )
db.close( )
Implementation of Exception Handling concept in Database:
import cx_Oracle
global db
print("connection established")
cursor=db.cursor( )
cursor.execute("select * from emp")
for row in cursor:
print row
cursor.close( )
print("db error occurred")
if db != None:
db.close( )
print("connection closed")
performance tuning:
performance tuning techniques:
Improving the performance of the python program by changing cursor_array_size.
Python program:
import cx_Oracle
cursor=con.cursor( )
sacno=str(input("enter source ac.no: "))
dacno=str(input("enter destination ac.no: "))
transfer=str(input("enter transfer amount: "))
query1="update cust set bal=bal-"+transfer+"where cacno="+sacno
query2="update cust set bal=bal+"+transfer+"where cacno="+dacno
import cx_Oracle
db=cx_Oracle.connect('scott', 'tiger','localhost:1521/orcl')
cursor = db.cursor( )
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM dept')
row=cursor.fetchone( )
print row
row=cursor.fetchone( )
print row
cursor.close( )
db.close( )
example3: fetch many records
import cx_Oracle
db=cx_Oracle.connect('scott', 'tiger','localhost:1521/orcl')
cursor = db.cursor( )
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM emp order by sal desc')
print row
cursor.close( )
db.close( )
Implementation of Exception Handling concept in Database:
import cx_Oracle
global db
print("connection established")
cursor=db.cursor( )
cursor.execute("select * from emp")
for row in cursor:
print row
cursor.close( )
print("db error occurred")
if db != None:
db.close( )
print("connection closed")
performance tuning:
performance tuning techniques:
- changing the cursor array size
- prepared statement
- inserting the data , , , , ,
Improving the performance of the python program by changing cursor_array_size.
- Based on the cursor_array_size only,number of records will fetch from database table into the python program memory at a time.
- if number of records are more and cursor_array_size is small then number of round trips will be increased so the performance of the application is decreased,this is the problem.
- to over come the above problem,we can increase the cursor_array_size based on business requirements.
creating table:
create table bigtab (mycol varchar2(20));
my requirement is inserting 2000 records:
for i in 1..20000
insert into bigtab(mycol)values(dbms_random.string('A',20));
end loop;
import cx_Oracle
import time
start = time.time()
cur = con.cursor()
cur.arraysize = 100
cur.execute('select * from bigtab')
res = cur.fetchall()
elapsed = (time.time() - start)
print elapsed, " seconds"
- after executing the above program,we want change the cursor_array_size 100 to 25000 and re-execute the program.
The default cursor_array_size in oracle database is 50.
- when ever we send the SQL Query directly to the execute( ) method then internally 3-operations will takes place of database side.
query compilation ---> syntax verification
query plan generation ---> one query executes in different ways.
query execution --->dynamically execute the query
- when ever we send same SQL Query to the database by changing the data of the query for multiple times by using execute( ) method of cursor_object every time those 3-operations takes place at database side.
import cx_Oracle
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute('select empno,ename,sal,deptno from emp where deptno=10')
for record in result:
print record
cur.execute('select empno,ename,sal,deptno from emp where deptno=20')
for record in result1:
print record
- here every time executes above three operations like query compilation,query plan generation and query execution. this is the problem.
- to over come the above problem we use prepare( ) method of cursor_object along with Bind variables.
- when ever we send a SQL Query which contains bind variables by calling prepare( ) method of cursor_object then internally query compilation and query plan generation will takes place at database side but query will not be executed.
- when ever we forward the bind variable values to the database by calling execute( ) method then internally query will be executed at database side.
- we can give the values to the bind variables for N-number of times.
- each and every time value submitted to Bind variables only query execution will takes place at database side.
import cx_Oracle
cur = con.cursor()
cur.prepare('select empno,ename,sal,deptno from emp where deptno =:id')
for record in result:
print record
for record in result1:
print record
Transaction management:
create table cust(cacno number(5),cname varchar2(10),bal number(10,2));
Inserting the records:
insert into cust values(1001,'rama',5000.00);
insert into cust values(1002,'seetha',1000.00);
Transaction management:
- The set of SQL Queries which are grouped logically is known as a transaction.
- if all the queries of transaction executed successfully then only we have to commit the transaction.
- we can commit the transaction by calling commit( ) method of connection object.
- if any one of the query of transaction execution is failed then we need to rollback the transaction.
- we can rollback the transaction by calling rollback( ) method of connection object.
create table cust(cacno number(5),cname varchar2(10),bal number(10,2));
Inserting the records:
insert into cust values(1001,'rama',5000.00);
insert into cust values(1002,'seetha',1000.00);
Python program:
import cx_Oracle
cursor=con.cursor( )
sacno=str(input("enter source ac.no: "))
dacno=str(input("enter destination ac.no: "))
transfer=str(input("enter transfer amount: "))
query1="update cust set bal=bal-"+transfer+"where cacno="+sacno
query2="update cust set bal=bal+"+transfer+"where cacno="+dacno
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